Enterprise Manager Package:

  • Upskill your communication

  • Define what's needed for promotion

  • Stay accountable for the important, not just the urgent

  • Gain new mental models

  • Understand your team and yourself better

  • Build your confidence (doing the right things with the right results)

  • Dominate project management

  • Learn 360 degrees of feedback (up, peer, below)

  • Learn leadership using the Lead, Develop, Care model

Meet Craig

He wanted to move forward towards that promotion fast.

Our initial conversation he told me, “I want to be promoted in the next 6 month". Brilliant! I love that kind of focus and ambition.

“Look man, I can’t guarantee a promotion, but I can guarantee that you will be in the greatest position to receive the promotion.”, I said.

“That makes complete sense. Let’s do it!”, Craig responded enthusiastically.

So we began.

First, we had to identify what the key skills and traits were necessary for the promotion, but we also had to identify the larger trajectory. What does his manager look for, but also what does his managers manger look for.

It turned out that a key attribute was how well Craig could work with his team to get projects done ahead of schedule. Things like clarity, collaboration, defining the key objectives, and getting people moving the right direction. We defined his project goals and timelines, understood the key players, and every two weeks we would meet and determine blocks as well as what was working well. Then we would make a clear strategy for the next two weeks.

I would coach new skillsets and mental models to help Craig lead his team well and create buy-in. Things like determining the MVP, Zoom in-Zoom out method to bring clarity, creating accountability that doesn’t suck, and much more.

He crushed it.

He was put up for promotion, he was given new projects to oversee. The feedback - “Craig, you’re doing everything right, just keep doing what you’re doing.”

It all started when

Craig took that first step of identifying his key goals and setting up that introductory session.

Are you ready to go to the next level?