What sets victims and heroes apart from one another?
Here are 3 shifts to move towards a hero perspective:
Find the right coach! Find out how to know who to hire using the questions in this article.
Defining and understanding your personal values can be one of the most freeing and purposeful things you achieve. They will empower your decisions…
How often do you find yourself stuck? Maybe you’re staring at an empty screen. Maybe you’re not sure what to do with you team next. Perhaps you have forgotten the plot of your work and so you have zero motivation.
I was 20 years old, had no experience, but felt called to pastor. Unable to land a job based on my qualifications (as I had none), I did what I could; show up, work hard and be faithful.
This is a followup post to the "Wind in Sails" where I give four ways to push passion into the sails of the people you lead. If you haven't yet read that post please take the time to read it, you'll be glad you did!
Four years ago I had a friend call me who had recently started coaching and he asked if I would interested in having him coach me. I had been married for 6 years and my marriage was not where it should be…
Investing in relationships is one of the most important things you do. Many people wait until the need someone before they ever try to contact them. If you are waiting until then with most of your relationships…
If each person where a sailboat, passion would be the wind that propels them forward. One of the best things a leader does is increase the passion of those around them for what they are already achieving.
Why do so many leaders fail? This week’s breaking news about WeWork gives us insight into the need for deeper leadership qualities and values.