Invest in Relationships
Invest in Relationships
Investing in relationships is one of the most important things you do. Many people wait until the need someone before they ever try to contact them. If you are waiting until then with most of your relationships, than chances are that you are using people simply to get what you want. Jesus taught a different approach to relationship though. He brought value to the relationship first. He valued people first.
As a leader, I find that I have never been disappointed when I make the time to invest in another with my time and attention.
Why Invest?
There are a myriad of reasons to invest in people, but I only want to mention a few in this post.
People are valuable.
Each individual that you meet has intrinsic worth apart from what they produce or what they can do. They are not defined by their socio-economical status, carreer, education, or status. The outcast is as valuable as the CEO. They are created beings who have souls. One day everything that sets us apart will be stripped away, our bodies, our wealth, our status and then we will see that inside the shell of the body of each person is a soul with infinite value...maybe we can start practicing that now.
It will improve you.
Everyone that you meet has history, abilities, passions, and each of them have insights into areas that you don't. The key to great conversations and relationships is to value the person and ask questions until you reach a topic that they are an expert in and then learn from them. You will be better for it. A great questions is, "What are some things that you have learned since the last time we talked?".
One day you will need to make a withdrawal
We need eachother. Eventually, no matter who you are, you will need somebody to help you. How sad would it be to need someone and to not have anyone that you can lean on? The way you can be confident that you have someone then is to pay the rent now. What I mean is that you need to make deposits into the relationship so that there is enough relational currency that you can make a withdrawal when you need to. Don't wait, start today!
You will gain more than you give.
The biggest reason to give is that you will always gain more than you give away. Jesus stated that only when a seed dies can it bring forth a harvest. If you will die to yourself for the benefit of others you will always come out on top. The reason I know this is because you will be rewarded in the sacrifice of giving and you will be rewarded in the returns of the invested time. Even if that person never gives back you will be blessed for having gave to them and if they do decide to give back then you are doubly blessed.
Bottom line, invest in relationships starting today! Who will you invest in this week?